Comb black color gift box

3.00 €
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Plastic comb suitable for use in reconstruction. Small and handy, can be stored in a pocket.

This comb comes in an authentic gift box. The inscription Für unsere Soldaten an der Front als Gruß aus der Heimat -  For our soldiers at the front as a greeting from their homeland.

Historical reference.

A comb was an important attribute and personal item for a German soldier, since the vast majority of soldiers had hairstyles and followed them. As a rule, the hairstyle was as follows: from below and to the level of the top of the forehead, all the hair on the head was shaved (or was cut very short), and long hair was left on top. In order for the tuft of hair on top not to be a tangle (and it was not always possible to wash your hair), it had to be combed often.