Plate with german girls

11.10 €
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This product is intended for military-historical reenactment (immersive study of history); for creating costumes for theatrical and film, video plays condemning Nazism and fascism; as well as for exhibiting in museums of military history. This product is not propaganda of ideas and criminals convicted by an International Military Tribunal, and should not be used for such a purpose! The photos have been edited in accordance with the requirements of the law.

If you need additional photos of the product, write to us by email or in the messenger.

Porcelain plate — a replica of a commemorative plate of the Association of German girls (German: BDM - Bund Deutscher Mädel). In the center of the plate are dancing girls around a staff with a swastika (the image has been corrected in accordance with the law). On the edges of the plate props are depicted: a drum, a horn and a bread bag with a mug. Manufacturer's mark on the bottom: H&G Selb. Bavaria Heinrich.

Dishes with symbols were one of the tools for creating a positive image and importance for various military and political organizations. Such porcelain is called propaganda, it is an interesting collectible and, of course, domestic use. Copies are suitable for exhibitions, filming, creating an atmosphere in reconstruction and, of course, a great gift!

The plate weighs about 300 g, has a diameter of 20 cm. The inscriptions are applied as hot decals (paint is baked into the surface at high temperature), imitating brush painting, this is not a cheap stencil. The inscriptions are fixed securely and can be washed in a dishwasher.

Historical reference.

Association of German girls (German: BDM - Bund Deutscher Mädel) — a women's organization that was part of the Hitler Youth movement in Nazi Germany. It included German girls aged 14 to 18.

Initially, separate predecessor organizations arose in 1923 under the leadership of the NSDAP (German: NS-Frauenschaft, NSF). Then they were called "sisters of the Hitler Youth." In 1930 they were united into a union, and in 1931 the union became part of the Hitler Youth. The number of girls of the union by that time was 1,711 people.

After the prohibition of similar associations in Germany, the number of BDMs began to grow rapidly. And since 1936, mandatory participation in BDM was enshrined at the legislative level for all German girls, except for girls of Jewish nationality or with similar racial circumstances. And by 1944, BDM had become the largest women's youth organization in the world, with about 4.5 million members.

The girls of the union went on hiking trips, were engaged in theatrical performances and dances, women's sports and group games, and needlework in winter.

Girls of the Union of German Girls (BDM) of Nazi Germany.
