Packaging for Vulkan condoms

5.00 €
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The product kit includes 3 sachets for condoms and a cardboard box.Condoms themselves are not supplied for hygiene reasons. Condoms at that time looked the same as now.

All packaging is copied from the original and printed by typography. For use in the reenactment and for the collection, decoration of military historical stands.

Vulkan condoms from the Sanex brand. The box reads: Diese Packung, deren Inhalt die hochwertigen Qualitötseigenschaften der bestbekannten VULKAN-SANEX - ARTIKEL aufweist, darf nur Angehörige von Formationen der Wehrmacht zu einem billigeren Preise abgegeben werden. Die Weiterdieser Packung an andere Personen ist unzulässig. Which means: This package, which contains high-quality and well-known VULKAN-SANEX-PRODUCTS can only be issued at a cheaper price to military personnel of the Wehrmacht formations. It is not allowed to transfer this package to other persons.

Individual packages are labeled "3 Jahre Lagerfähig, doppelt geprüft", which means "3 years of storage allowed, double checked".

The Sanex brand is now owned by Colgate-Palmolive and continues to produce cosmetics under this brand.