[on order] Certificate of staff assistant

21.00 €
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This product is intended for military-historical reenactment (immersive study of history); for creating costumes for theatrical and film, video plays condemning Nazism and fascism; as well as for exhibiting in museums of military history. This product is not propaganda of ideas and criminals convicted by an International Military Tribunal, and should not be used for such a purpose! The photos have been edited in accordance with the requirements of the law.

The copy of the identity card of the Staff Assistants (German: Einsatzbuch für Stabshelferinnen des Heeres). Cover with correct green tint, 24 pages.

Great for a military history reenactment of World War II after February 1942, when the Women's Auxiliary Staff Service (Stabshelferinnen) was created. Read the details below in the historical reference.

Price for 1 certificate.

Einsatzbuch was used both for personal identification and for record keeping. This is one of the standard documents that every employee of the Staff Assistant Service should have with her. The following information was included in the document:

  • Personal data, time and place of admission to the service.
  • The home address of the assistant and the address of her relatives is the duty station.
  • The amount of the allowance.
  • Vaccinations.
  • Information about hospitalization.
  • Vacation information.
  • Transfers and business trips.
  • Material satisfaction.
  • Penalties.
  • Remarks.
  • Service rules.

Historical reference.

In Germany during the period 1933-1945, women were not allowed to serve in the army and could not become military personnel, but auxiliary women's units were created for various branches of the military. The first such unit in the ground forces was the Women's Auxiliary Communications Service (Nachrichtenhelferinnen), which was created in October 1940.

A number of other women's services were then created, such as:

  • Service staff (Betreuungshelferinnen) in 1941,
  • Women's Auxiliary Staff Service (Stabshelferinnen) in 1942,
  • Women's economic service (Wirtschaftshelferinnen) in 1942,
  • A division of female horse-breakers (Bereiterinnen) in 1943.

In August 1944, those women who wore military uniforms received the official status of military personnel. And in November 1944, several such branches of the Wehrmacht auxiliary services were merged into a single Women's Auxiliary Service (Wehrmachthelferinnen).

The Women's Auxiliary Headquarters Service (Stabshelferinnen) was created in February 1942. This unit included women between the ages of 18 and 40 who served in administrative positions.

In the first year of the Stabshelferinnen, female employees wore civilian clothes due to the lack of uniforms. But after October 1943, uniforms gradually improved.

In addition, the staff assistants wore special cuff ribbons: junior ranks of green color with an inscription in soft gray-green letters of the Gothic font “Stabshelferin des Heeres”, representatives of the command staff wore a black ribbon with an inscription embroidered with gold thread.

Staff from Stabshelferinnen

Sources: wwii.spacewwii.space