Insignia sewing (service)

32.19 €
2 or more 26.09 €
5 or more 22.20 €
In Stock
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You can sew the insignias yourself. But it's impossible to do it well the first time. Even if you have "a neighbor seamstress", (s)he most likely does not know which stitch, which threads and at what distance from the shoulder to sew a patch. Moreover, sewing a BeVo (that is, a thin) patch by hand from an untrained person takes about 3 hours. And if there is no experience in folding BeVo insignias before sewing, then you can simply destroy the insignia and actually lose money. Entrust the work to experienced people!

How do they sew?

There are several craftsmen who know the historical and sewing part of the work. We sew by hand, by a mashine, on a substrate - in all ways according to your request. Of course, we will do this historically correctly (some patches in the original were sewn only by hand, some — only by a mashine).

What should I do?

Just add this service to your order. Select the desired option next to the "Add to cart" button and the quantity. If you make a mistake, it doesn't matter, in any case we will contact you before starting work to clarify and prevent mistakes. If you have any questions, email or call us via messenger (free of charge).

If you buy everything from us (both clothes and stripes), then after the call we get to work.

If you want to sew your things (which you have) or sew your insignias (let's say we don't have what you are looking for), then you will need to send everything there and back at your own expense (we are in Moscow). Back way will be discounted for 10€.

How fast?

We usually manage everything in 1-2 weeks. Take into account logistics between the stock and the workshop (these are different places. Things will first go to the seamstress's workplace, and this in itself takes 3-5 days. The cost of internal logistics is already included in the cost of sewing, you do not need to pay anything extra.

What is included in the price? Are there discounts?

The price includes the cost of the work includes:

  • preparation of the insignia (for example, the BeVo patch needs to be folded, which is not so easy);
  • sewing (usually the patch is first marked in place, and when it sits flat and without "humps", sewn);
  • and internal logistics (transfer things from the warehouse to the workshop).

Cheaper only for free on your own. But if you look for a tailor yourself, you can run into problems: for the demonstration of Nazi symbols for the purpose of propaganda, administrative and (under a number of conditions) criminal liability ensues in many countries.

The more insignias you order to sew in one order, the lower the price for each. This is immediately visible when ordering, it is considered automatically.

If there is no exact match, choose a similar variant.
 Piece of clothingInsigniasSewing methodPrice avg.
Heer jacket until 1938
collar-tabs, BeVo eagleby hand, on a cloth backing (cloth as a gift)
Heer jacket until 1940
collar-tabs, BeVo eagle
manually without backing
Heer jacket after 1940
collar-tabs, BeVo eagle
by a mashine58€
German jacket of the SS, Luftwaffecollar-tabs, eagle on cloth
manually or mashine42
Heer side-cap untill 1940
eagle and cockade + colour triangle
Heer side-cap after 1940
eagle and cockade
SS, Luftwaffe side-cap, M42s, M43s
eagle and cockade on cloth or a trapezoid
manually or mashine
visor capeagle and cockade on cloth or metal
crusher (soft visor cap)BeVo eagle and cockade
Iron Cross 2 tape in the jacket loop20 cm of tape
only tips/full lenth+8/16 to the jacket work
Unteroffizier braid on the collar80 cm of braid
full lenth by a machine
+24 to the jacket work
Unteroffizier braid on the shoulder straps
80 cm of braid
full lenth by a machine
+24 to the jacket work
metal insignia (installation)"edelweiss" on a cap, stars/ciphers on shoulder straps, arm shieldsmanually
from 16
sew or strengthen (a button etc.)
button, loopmanually
from 2
tintingto make the insignia not "new"processing know-how+16 per insignia
applying ink stampsmanufacturer, size
+16 per item

Why do tinting?

If you sew a new patch, it can look like a bright spot on your thing. No, it will not get worn out and darken over time — it will be a bright spot, just dirty. In order for the insignia to look harmonious on clothes, it is brought to the desired shade and brightness with a number of manipulations. It can be made greener, grayer, yellower — this is decided by the master, the goal is the same: the patch should look on the jacket "as poured in".

Another example of tinting: sewing buttonholes on a cloth backing. If you want the cloth of the collar and the backing to not differ in color, it is necessary to order tinting.