Side-cap piping angle

0.42 €
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Soutache or cord in color according to the kind of troops (Waffenfarbe). Price for 15 cm (that's enough for 1 cap).

We occasionally have:
- white (infantry),
- green (Jäger),
- orange (Feldgendarmerie),
- pink (tank crews),
- red (artillery),
- lemon yellow (signal troops),
- golden yellow (cavalry, reconnaissance),
- black (engineers, sappers).
- Bordeaux red (chemical troops, Nebelwerfer),
- cornflower blue (medics),
- light blue (drivers, suppliers),
- copper brown (motorcyclists).

Choose a color next to the "Add to cart" button. If a color is not there, that means it is not on sale now. We try offer all colors and periodically add them.

How to sew the soutache?

Method 1. At the level of the lower edge of the cap (where the flap is sewn to the base), make holes with an awl. Insert the ends of the soutache (so that they do not mess around outside). Form a triangle of the desired size from the cord. Then sew the soutache over top and bottom edges so that it sits straight. Then sew it along the center of the cord using a sewing-mashine or by hand. Soutache is sewn to the flap of the cap, not through to the lining!

Method 2. Same as method 1, but faster and less neat. The tips of the soutache are simply tucked underneath, and the soutache itself is seized with a thread in several places, not along the entire length.

Both methods can be found in the photos of the war years.

Historical reference.

Soutache was sewed in form of a triangle over the cockade onto side-caps. In 1940, it was officially abolished, ripped off on some caps, but remained on some, especially in special units (medical, reconnaissance, etc.). It could be sewn after official abolition to look like an old soldier, who despise official rules.