Mug P.S.O. Dynamo 330 ml

8.88 €
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Porcelain mug for tea or beer with the inscription П.С.О. Динамо (P.S.O. Dynamo). The inscription is copied from the original subject of agitation porcelain. Such porcelain is also called propaganda-dishes; it was one of the tools to create a positive image and importance of the organization, along with uniforms, special insignia and unique awards. We offer here a beautiful item for domestic use, which is undoubtedly a great gift!

The Moscow Proletarian Sports Society "Dynamo" (П.С.О. Динамо) was founded in 1923 in Moscow. The society was established at the initiative of the GPU (Г.П.У.) employees to provide an opportunity for employees of the security and law enforcement agencies to play sports. For this "cops" Dynamo teased for many years. Blue and white were chosen as the club colors in 1924. It is believed that the choice was influenced by the first honorary chairman of the society, the head of the NKVD Felix Dzerzhinsky: the combination of these colors was supposed to emphasize his words about the bright and pure thoughts of the employees of the organization that he leads. Do not confuse the Moscow club Dynamo with the club of the same name from Kiev, created a few years later. These are different clubs, although both were created by the GPU around the same time.  Source:

A durable mug of a convenient shape weights approximately 300 g and holds 330 ml of liquid. Diameter 8 cm, height almost 10 cm. The inscriptions are applied as hot decals (paint is baked into the surface at high temperature), this is not a cheap stencil. The inscriptions are fixed securely and can be washed in a dishwasher.

There is a manufacturer's inscription on the bottom: Полюстровский стекольно-фарфоровый трест, Полюстр. фарф. зав., РСФСР (Polyustrovsky glass-porcelain trust, Polustr. factory, RSFSR). This plant was one of the oldest enterprises producing electro-insulating products in Russia and was one of the oldest representatives of the porcelain industry in general. From 1835 to 1922 it was formed as the Kornilov Brotherhood Partnership. Under Soviet goverment, it began to be called the Polyustrovsky Porcelain Factory "Proletarij" . Unfortunately, in 2004 the company was liquidated. Source: