This product is not propaganda of ideas and criminals convicted by an International Military Tribunal, and should not be used for such a purpose! For personal use only.
Attention! This cover is intended for a modern identification document (passport) measuring 12.5 x 9 cm. Please check the size of your document with a ruler before buying the cover! This cover is not intended for the Wehrmacht soldier’s book, because the soldier’s book has a larger format and will not fit into this cover. This cover is not a product for reenactment, but a souvenir product for reenactors, collectors, etc.
We offer a cover of three types of leather:
• Beige color — cattle genuine leather of vegetable tanning, the recesses are shaded with dark, very beautiful. Covered with a self-polishing skin cream to protect it from moisture and scratches. It looks very profitable..
• Brown color — genuine leather with a protective coating that will not allow dirt and moisture to spoil the cover for a long time.
• Green — genuine leather with a protective vinyl coating of Feldgrau color. This cover looks very good, the surface is smooth, matte. The color of the cover fits the German jacket. The coating is more resistant to aging than other types of skin. The coating does not slip over time, does not peel off, tested!
• Gray — the same as green, but asphalt (dark) gray. 100% wear-resistant and not branded.
A plastic insert (book-like) is included with each cover, which turns the cover into a convenient organizer for auto documents (including a pocket for insurance in A4 format) and bank or discount cards.
What is grade 2 (markdown)?
Cases of the 2nd grade have external disadvantages that do not catch the eye, but also do not allow you to offer a cover without a discount. The brown case of the 2nd grade has scars on the skin (see the photo below). The green cover of the 2nd grade has wrinkles on the skin, the brand of the manufacturer (on the back side) is upside down, the eagle is slightly pressed, it is sold much cheaper than the usual green cover. The gray case is also sold cheaper, since the eagle is slightly pressed.
Covers of the 2nd grade are sold without a plastic insert (book-like), only the cover itself.
An example of a brown cover of the 2nd grade.