This product is intended for military-historical reenactment (immersive stydy of history); for creating costumes for theatrical and film, video plays condemning Nazism and fascism; as well as for exhibiting in museums of military history. This product is not propaganda of ideas and criminals convicted by an International Military Tribunal, and should not be used for such a purpose! The photos have been edited in accordance with the requirements of the law.
If you need additional photos of the product, write to us by email or in the messenger.
Sleeve bands of Heer and SS field gendarmerie. Hand, machine embroided or in BeVo technique (jacquard), grey-white thread on black underground (such bands have manufacturer's marks BeVo-Wuppertal).
Choose a band you need near "Add to cart" button. If a band is in pictures but not in the list (you can't choose it), that means it's sold and no restocking in the near future.